Outcomes - Selected Case Summaries



Environmental Health Reports & Medical Board Report

Informal Resolution | 17 October 2022
Cayman Islands Customs & Border Control (CBC)

An applicant requested the 2012 and 2015 environmental health reports and a medical board report from Customs and Border Control (CBC). Two environmental health reports were disclosed, among other supporting documentation. However, CBC withheld the requested medical board report claiming that disclosure would result in a breach of confidence and the unreasonable disclosure of personal information.

Since the FOI Act requires that partial access is given where possible, we advised CBC that the records could be disclosed to the applicant, with the exception of the personal information contained in some parts of the records. However, the CBC reconfirmed their initial position and the applicant requested that the appeal progress to a formal hearing decision before the Ombudsman.

While preparing for the hearing, and following further consultation with our office, CBC’s legal counsel recommended disclosure with redactions made to the personal information contained in the record, as we had suggested. This approach was accepted by the applicant, and the case was closed.