Outcomes - Selected Case Summaries



Dispute over law school fees

Early Resolution | 22 August 2022
Truman Bodden Law School

The complainant stated he was being unfairly charged additional tuition fees by the Truman Bodden Law School (TBLS) in his last year at the school. The complainant completed additional university credits outside of TBLS which reduced course work to what he considered to be a part-time status. However, TBLS stated that he is still considered under the student regulations to be a full-time student, defined as a person who is completing their degree within three years. The complaint filed with the Ombudsman sought either that the school reduce his annual fee for the course work already undertaken or make recommendations for TBLS to create a policy that can address a situation like this in the future.

This complaint was considered to be jurisdictional under the Complaints (Maladministration) Act, so our office sought to informally resolve the matter with TBLS.

We spoke with the director of the law school, who noted that he was unaware of this issue ever having arisen before at the TBLS. He agreed, following discussions, to put a proposal to change the law school's regulations before the Legal Advisory Council and, if that body approved, to propose regulatory changes to Cabinet.

The complainant agreed this was a suitable outcome and the complaint was closed as having been resolved informally.

As the Ombudsman did not need to initiate a formal investigation into this matter, no recommendations were issued.