Outcomes - Selected Case Summaries



 Confusion over appeals tribunal ruling

Early Resolution | 29 August 2023
Workforce Opportunities & Residency Cayman

The complainant stated that his Caymanian status (now known as the Right to be Caymanian), received more than a decade ago, was revoked by the Caymanian Status and Permanent Residency Board and was later reinstated by the Immigration Appeals Tribunal (IAT). Following the reinstatement order being issued by the IAT, the complainant stated he was awarded a new grant of Caymanian status and asked to pay a fee of $1,000 for this grant, which he felt was unfair. The complainant also raised concerns about being “locked out” of the Jobs Cayman website, which assists unemployed individuals with finding jobs. The complainant stated he could not access this site and it appeared that the IAT-ordered reinstatement of his status had not been fully communicated within WORC.

The Ombudsman sought to resolve the matter via an informal resolution process, similar to mediation. Shortly after this began, the complainant received contact details for employees managing the Jobs Cayman website and was able to register there and take advantage of its services. After further discussions with WORC officials, it was determined that the initial letters granting the applicant a new Caymanian status were not entirely accurate and WORC wrote back to the complainant confirming his original Caymanian status, granted some 14 years prior, had been reinstated. In addition, it was determined the $1,000 fee for the new grant of status was issued erroneously and was eliminated.  

It was determined following these discussions that all outstanding matters which could be resolved by WORC had been resolved and the complainant agreed to close the complaint. As the matter was resolved informally, the Ombudsman made no recommendations regarding this complaint.