Outcomes - Selected Case Summaries
NAU application process misunderstood
Early Resolution | 03 October 2023
Needs Assessment Unit (NAU)
The complainant was receiving financial assistance and food vouchers from the Needs Assessment Unit (NAU) for a period of three months and was then discontinued for the assistance after that period ended. The aid was discontinued after NAU determined the applicant possessed finances in excess of what its eligibility criteria policy allowed for NAU clients. The applicant came to the Ombudsman complaining of administrative unfairness in the decision.
The matter was determined to fall within the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction and we informed both parties that we would be seeking to resolve the matter informally.
Following a discussion with NAU on the matter, it was determined that the applicant had not understood certain specifics of either the application process or the requirements for financial assistance the NAU sets for its clients. The Ombudsman suggested that a more fulsome explanation be provided to the complainant as to the reasons her application was not successful.
This explanation was provided to the complainant in writing and further reviewed the reasons NAU gave for why it had reached this decision. The complainant was not best pleased with the letter she received but noted that she had reapplied for financial assistance and was awaiting the outcome of that application. The complainant accepted she had misunderstood the temporary nature of the NAU’s financial assistance and agreed that she would reach out to the Ombudsman again for assistance if there were any inordinate delays on her new NAU application.
As the matter was informally resolved, the Ombudsman did not make any recommendations as a result of the complaint.