Outcomes - Selected Case Summaries



 NAU benefits for elderly Caymanian

Early Resolution | 17 November 2023
Needs Assessment Unit (NAU)

The complainant, an elderly man experiencing medical problems, is unable to work and his former profession did not leave him any pension for retirement. An application for financial assistance was made to the Needs Assessment Unit (NAU) by the man, but this was turned down as his family’s total income was above the eligibility level set by the NAU in its policy. 

A complaint was made to the Ombudsman that this was not fair. The complainant asked whether any additional NAU assistance could be provided, given the man’s health and financial situation. A review of the matter found that NAU had acted within its eligibility policy in denying personal financial assistance, but that the complainant had not applied for any other kinds of assistance such as food vouchers or utility bills. As part of the informal resolution process of the complaint, the complainant agreed to reapply for additional types of financial assistance with the NAU. The matter was settled informally, without the need for a formal investigation.


This complaint raised some concerns about the lack of pension allotment for an elderly member of the community. The Ombudsman may look into this matter separately, however, as it was not the subject of this complaint.